Probus Community News - March 2023

Type of post: Club news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 29 Mar 2023
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Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Probus Community News. These News are issued quarterly and are designed to help Management Committees lead successful, active Clubs. We are currently in the process of updating our records following Club AGM's and ask that if you are no longer on the Management Committee, please forward a this Community News to new Committee members.
Previous editions of Probus Community News are available on our website.
We are pleased to be writing to you to about Probus Month which starts on 1 October 2023. Clubs and Associations have embraced the concept of Probus Day with celebrations occurring throughout the month of October. In fact it has become so popular that October is now known as Probus Month. This is a great opportunity for Probus Clubs to celebrate our wonderful organisation and in turn, take Probus to the wider Community so more retirees can learn about Probus.

The inaugural Probus Day started in October 2020 and since then we have seen thousands of Probus members get involved and plan local celebrations some with themed dress ups, others with award presentations and many with events centred around the Fun, Friendship and Fellowship that Probus offers.

Probus Month theme for 2023:

"Good friends, Great times, New adventures"

This theme is what Probus is all about, providing opportunities for members to make good friends and share great times and adventures. What will your Club do to celebrate this theme?
With 7 months to go, there is plenty of time to plan your Club’s special event. Your Probus Month celebration can be as simple or as elaborate as you make it. You can celebrate with your Club members or host joint celebrations with local Clubs in your area.

Why not hold a special lunch, dinner or morning tea, or have a dress up party or even a BBQ in your local park. Be adventurous and plan an activity that your Club has never done before. The choices for your Club’s Probus Month celebration are unlimited. In the coming months we will share ideas you can consider as well as more about Probus Month recognition awards for your Club members... so stay tuned and get planning!
Regardless of your membership levels, every Club should have a continual focus on member retention and growth. Even if your Club has reached its membership ceiling, Clubs should have a plan to replace members that are lost through relocation or attrition.

Recently each Probus Club was sent a President's kit containing two copies of the handbook as well as a sample of the complimentary promotional material available. If you are looking to do a membership drive, please read the "Attracting New Members Guide" to get tips on how to create awareness of your Club locally. Click here to download a copy of the Guide. There is also a range of other promotional material available which you can view and order from the online shop on the website.

Listed below is the range of personalised promotional material available to all Clubs - order your Clubs material today and start promoting your Club!


Utilise these personalised flyers with your Club name and contact details to promote your Club. Start a walking group to distribute these flyers within your local community or provide flyers to each member to distribute in their own area. Sent in packs of 250 with a maximum of 1,000 for online shop orders. For larger promotions or expos, please contact our team to discuss.


These laminated posters are an ideal way to showcase your Club, these posters are personalised with your Club name and contact details.

You can put up these posters on notice boards at shopping centres, libraries, local council and even your local hairdresser.

The posters are available in two sizes, A4 and A3 (two times the standard paper size). Maximum of 6 posters for online shop orders.

If you are showcasing your Club at a local expo, contact our team to discuss what other material is also available.


Utilise these personalised business cards with your Club name and contact details to promote your Club. These business cards can be given out to members in your Club to distribute to potential members.

Sent in packs of 250 with a maximum of 500 for online shop orders.

To keep Probus Club members informed about PSPL, we would like to share some information about what was discussed at recent PSPL Board Meetings.
  • Club Communications. The Board noted the upgrade of the online annual return function in the Club Administration section of the Probus website. The upgrade provides the ability for Club officers to see which Management Committee members have completed the relevant sections and includes the capability to print the online submissions.  The Board also acknowledged the detailed instructions provided to Clubs along with the distribution of the annual return forms in paper form for the 2023-2024 year.
  • Club Formations. The Board welcomed 2 new Clubs to the Probus family, these are Wandin Probus Club in Victoria and Gilead Probus Club in New South Wales.
  • Travel Insurance NZ. The Board is concerned about the extended delay in finalising the travel insurance arrangements for NZ Probus members. It reaffirmed that the provision of insurance continues to be a high priority and stressed the need to have an arrangement in place as soon as possible.
  • Promotional Material. The Board was pleased to note the redesign of the range of complimentary promotional material under the banner of DISCOVER PROBUS along with the new ATTRACTING NEW MEMBERS GUIDE to support Clubs achieve their membership goals.
  • Presidents Kit. The Board also noted the completion and distribution of the 2023-2024 Probus Club Handbook at the end of February. This year’s President’s Kit included a range of membership resources to assist Clubs with membership retention and growth.
  • Call for Nominations. The Board noted that PSPL has called for nominations for three new Representative Member/Directors to serve on the PSPL Board from August 2023-2026. Nominations are being sought from interested Probus Club members from New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and New Zealand. The PSPL Board also encourages Probians from these areas to consider nominating to serve on the respective Nominating Selection Committee that is responsible for interviewing and assessing the nominees for the PSPL Board. The call for nominations will remain open until 30 April 2023. PSPL look forward to nominations from female members. Any members interested in nominating should speak with their Club President.
  • Tour Officers Handbook. The Board noted that the Tour Officers Handbook introduced in early 2022 had served its purpose which was to help Club Management Committees in their forward travel planning as travel resumed.  This information will now continue to be provided in the Active Retirees publications and the PSPL website. As such the Tour Officers Handbook scheduled to be issued to Probus Clubs in April 2023 will be the last edition.
Contact the PSPL Team
Australia 1300 630 488 or +61 2 9689 0200 New Zealand 0800 1477 6287
Email: Website: